Some images of my time here. The black and white images are from spring 1963 when snow was still lying well into March. The rest are scans of old prints or slides. Between 1966-78…
There are people in the images whose names I know. If you want to get in touch.
The tower in early 1963
March 1963. The original terminal building. The A23 ran below at left.
1963, Pete Dinham in the tower.
G-ARBY accident. Landed in fog. Snow obscured runway lighting?
The old centre finger. The cabin on the roof is Ground Movement Control
A winter sunset taken from the GMC cabin.
Staff on the 8th floor called these the best sunsets in the world.
Falconair Viscount arrving on stand
March 1970 notice public on the viewing gallery, and the reflection of the office block behind.
Spantax DC7C arriving
North finger and GAT in the right background
Central finger. The roof-cabin housed Terminal Control who allocated stands and controlled access doors in the fingers.
Traffic in the GAT parking area.
Laker Airways, Britannia in half painted colour scheme.
Looking across the GAT apron
Sunrise from the roof of the terminal, 1966
Approach control room.
Approach control room.
Approach control room.
Tower controller a few days before the furniture was updated.
The standard lighting panel. Open countryside to the north of the tower in the background.
GAT apron
Control desk in GMC
View from the old tower looking east.
BAC-111 G-ASJG Jul 1968
And last, and probably least, yours truly.
Below are untitled images from the early days (1970s)